Peter Frankopan as a Global Finance Author

Author Peter Frankopan addresses the big financial question from a broad historical perspective in his book The Silk...

Siddharth Pico Iyer: A rare travel author

The name Siddharth Pico Iyer is synonymous with travel. Aside from his name, his books and essays also...

Peter Frankopan as a Global Finance Author

Author Peter Frankopan addresses the big financial question from a broad historical perspective in his book The Silk Roads. The start of a new year is often a difficult...

Siddharth Pico Iyer: A rare travel author

The name Siddharth Pico Iyer is synonymous with travel. Aside from his name, his books and essays also contain rich content about travel. Traveling is a great way to spend...

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Peter Frankopan as a Global Finance Author

Author Peter Frankopan addresses the big financial question from...

Siddharth Pico Iyer: A rare travel author

The name Siddharth Pico Iyer is synonymous with travel....

Ben Carson: A Review of Gifted Hands.

The book Gifted Hands often brings to mind the...

5 Popular Books that have been censored by the Government

Books under censorship have been a heated topic for...

Colleen Hoover: A Romance Author for Our Time

Colleen Hoover is now a celebrity author as her...

What is The Highest Literary Award for an Author?

Since the early 19th century, authors have been awarded...

Conscience and History: My story by Peter Odili

Like many great leaders, Dr. Peter Odili tells his...

Geetanjali Shree: Winner of the Booker Prize 2022

2022 was Geetanjali Shree’s year. Every year, authors are...

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Siddharth Pico Iyer: A rare travel author

The name Siddharth Pico Iyer is synonymous with travel....

Ben Carson: A Review of Gifted Hands.

The book Gifted Hands often brings to mind the...

5 Popular Books that have been censored by the Government

Books under censorship have been a heated topic for...

Colleen Hoover: A Romance Author for Our Time

Colleen Hoover is now a celebrity author as her...

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